Title: The Heart-Throbbing Prince And The Ice Queen
Genre: Romance
Pairings: Ryo Nishikido the heart-throbbing prince/Erika Toda (OC) as the ice queen
Story Type: Short-Short
Rating: Rated K
Summary: She was an Ice Queen in the Judo club while he was a Heart-throbbing Prince and the Student President. It’s not like they suited each other. She loved peace and quiet while he liked the attention on him, especially from girls which he receives constantly.
The celebrities' names/images are merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrities are in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this fictional work. No copyright infringement is intended.
It had been two weeks since they had broken up but it felt like two years. The two heartbroken boy and girl silently nursed their broken hearts on their own way. They forcefully ignored each other whenever they cross paths.
She was an Ice Queen in the Judo club while he was a Heart-throbbing Prince and the Student President. It’s not like they suited each other. She loved peace and quiet while he liked the attention on him, especially from girls which he receives constantly.
Unknown to them, everyone in the school noticed the mass changes in them once they had been dating. The Heart-throbbing Prince had become a real gentleman melting the heart of the Ice Queen. Because of this they had started to come in between the two hoping to date the other. Hence, the pain the Ice Queen felt in the relationship. Unlike the Heart-throbbing Prince who flirted with just any girls who gave him any attention, she was constantly pursued by the amount of guys who had started taking interest in her. It was guilt after another every time she rejected them.
But what really caused the pain was that the Prince was unfazed by the whole thing. She had thought he would have at least kept them away and announced that she was only his. He said no such thing. This caused a lot of arguments until she could not take his indifference in their relationship any longer.
And thus, the two broke up and ended up the same as before. She was once again the Ice Queen and he was once again the Heart-throbbing Prince. In reality to her, he had never changed despite what the students thought.
The student bodies became depressed, realising what they had done. Or maybe it was because the Ice Queen was taking all her anger at anyone who came in contact with her. They also received her practicing her Judo skills on them. The Heart-throbbing Prince was making all the guys angry for going out with one girl after another, be it single or taken.
So one day when the two were coming to school from opposite direction, they were surprised to see almost every student bodies standing in front of the school building waiting for them. As soon as they saw them, the whole student bodies bowed in shame.
“We’re really sorry,” they all shouted. “Because of us you two broke up.”
The Ice Queen and the Heart-throbbing Prince were stunned. Yet they refused to make up thinking it was too late.
The student bodies were disappointed and sad but they did not give up. The next week and the week after that the students did everything they could to bring the two together. Only to fail miserably.
It was in the beginning of the third week that something happened. The Heart-throbbing Prince, who had been constantly dating anyone, was approached by a group of twenty-thirty guys that looked like thugs. They accused him of taking their leaders girl away.
Unable to neither deny nor defend, the group started to beat him up. The students weren’t able to stop them. Heck even the teachers couldn’t.
Some of the students slipped away to go find the Ice Queen who uses all her time in the Judo club. At first she refused but when she heard there were more than twenty guys she sprinted to the destination the students gave her.
She stopped when she got to her destination. In front of her she watched the guys circling around him and taking turns to hit him. He was already down and badly beaten up.
At that precise moment her whole time with the Heart-throbbing Prince flashed before her eyes. The good times and the bad times. The fun times and the sad times. It was at that moment she realised that she loved him more than before and how stupid she was not to forgive him.
Finally, she sorted her feelings. She stepped forward and demanded the guys to stop. Instead they beat him twice as much. She became angrier and attacked them.
Too bad for the guys who had no idea she was the captain of the Judo club and came from a long line of fighters. They also didn’t know she had won competition after competition ever since she was four years old. So it was a piece of cake to beat all the guys easily.
When the guys ran away, she quickly ran to the love of her life. She didn’t hesitate to tell him that she loved him.
The Heart-throbbing Prince smiled despite the pain he was going through. He said he loved her too. Then he admitted that he only dated those girls because he couldn’t forget her. And also he wanted to get back together with her but was upset that she had refused. He finally kissed her when he finished.
The whole student bodies and the teachers cheered happily.
Labels: fanfic
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